Diving with Dugongs in Epi Island

Warrick Powrie revisits Lamen Bay to see the progress of it resident dugongs

November 9, 2023
Munching on Seagrass
Munching on Seagrass
Warrick Powrie

Resident Dugong of Epi

Epi Island is a small Island about 40 minutes flight North of Port Vila, Vanuatu. Laying to the East of Malekula and South of Ambrym and Lopevi
I consider myself very lucky to have been to Lamen bay 4 times since 2003. The most recent was in October 2023 when I spent a week in Epi.

Each time I have enlisted the local Pikanini (children) to help with locating the resident dugong known as Bundas. The Pikanini come rushing up to me yelling Bundas,
Bundas, and point to where they have seen him, it is a great way to get the local kids involved in marine life, other than trying to eat it.

Bundas swims by eyeing me up
Bundas swims by eyeing me up
Scratch my belly for me please
Scratch my belly for me please

Bundas is a large male, He is very friendly and would do flips and twists with me in the water, even rolling over to have his belly scratched, he would enjoy the belly rub then go back to munching on the seagrass he loved so much, then come back for more playing.

Bundas munching on his favorite seagrass
Bundas munching on his favorite seagrass

Unfortunately this most recent trip in 2023, I was informed that my beloved Bundas had passed away. I will very much miss having an amazing time swimming with this majestic creature RIP Bundas.

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Warrick Powrie

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I started scuba diving in 1988. I have always been passionate about marine conservation and underwater photography.

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