Proposed temporary fishing closure in Bay of Islands
Your views sought on proposal of temporary fishing closure for Maunganui Bay (Deep Water Cove), in Bay of Islands

A Rahui that's been in place in Mauganui Bay (DEEP WATER COVE) is shortly up for renewal.
It's acknowledged that the area has become a safe haven for many species of fish and marine mammal. However, it is many years from developing the diversity and abundance of the Poor Knights reserve.
MPI is requesting feedback on a proposed further temporary two-year closure of all fisheries resources in the area of Manganui Bay in the Bay of Islands, with the exception of kina.
Submissions from people who have an interest in the species concerned or in the effects of fishing in the area concerned are now invited.
To find out more or have your say visit
The closing date for submissions is 5pm Monday 5 September 2022
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Dive Pacific
Dive Pacific is the media arm of the New Zealand Underwater Association