Make it home safely
The NZ Police Dive Squad's timely message for divers

Tau mai rā
Te maru tiaki
O te atua
Ki runga
Te Kaupapa aroha nei
Aiö aiö aiö
E tau nei
Bring to us a protective cover
From the celestial realm upon us
At this sad time let peace be landed amongst us
This karakia is given by members of the Police National Dive Squad when they recover your loved ones, friends, colleagues, iwi, hapu, or community. It is always a tragic loss, but we are glad we can support people by returning their loved ones back to them. Unfortunately the dive squad has given this karakia 10 times over the past two months around the motu.

These events are life-changing for those left behind and on many occasions keeping ourselves safe around the water is very much identical to the rationale behind keeping safe on the roads. We need to make good sound decisions, respect and cherish our lives, and the lives of those around us.
The wish of our team is that everyone drives safely to their favourite water spot, and home again this summer. On and around the water respect it, enjoy it, and encourage our children to take part in the many adventures and activities, but first and foremost be safe.
If you’re on a boat, without sounding like a broken record, wear a correctly fitted life jacket. This is a lifesaver. Check the marine weather forecast before you go too.
At a beach, swim between the flags, actively supervise and play with your rangatahi in the water, even give a learn-to-swim gift. And please look before you leap. Get local knowledge about the risks at the local beaches or rivers.
The plea from our team this summer is that we do not meet. Please all do your bit to stay safe, not just as individuals, but each doing our bit as husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, mums and dads, families, whānau and communities.

Safety first
Unfortunately, the New Zealand Police Dive Squad sees an average of 13-15 diving fatalities each year. Just as not wearing a seatbelt when on the road can be the difference between life and death, there are some simple “make it click” moments that can help you get home after gathering your kai.
- Display a dive flag so people know you’re there and have a diving safety sausage.
- Dive with a buddy for the entire time, from entering the water to getting out, the whole time. Watch out for each other and be ready to help out.
- Ditch your weight belt if you start getting into trouble, almost all divers we recover are still wearing them. Get buoyant and don’t carry too much weight, check and adjust it.
- If the weather is poor, do something else. If you can’t get the kai for Christmas, it does not matter, we just want you at the BBQ.
- Check yourself and mates, make sure your medications are compatible with diving, ask a medical expert, and leave the drinks till after the dive to go with the stories.
- Get your kit serviced and checked, replace it where needed. These are great Christmas gifts if you don’t know what to get someone.
- Join a dive club and get some training staying within your comfort zone and experience, another Christmas gift idea.
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Dive Pacific
Dive Pacific is the media arm of the New Zealand Underwater Association